

A few books of Master Sheng Yen have been translated into German and most are published by fourtutles publications Zürich. They are available for purchasing through Books on Demand (BoD).

fourturtles puplications

Vertrauen in den Geist: Ein Führer zur Chan-Praxis
Chan-Meister Sheng Yen

Translation (2008): Helena Kälin (Guo-T’u) and Max Kälin (Chuan-zong Jing-chan). Original title: Faith in Mind: A Guide to Ch’an Practice (1987).

Paperback, 132 pages

                  ISBN 978-3-8334-8675-3

    CHF 24.90

Die Sechs Paramita
Chan-Meister Sheng Yen

Translation (2010): Hildi Thalmann (Chang She). Original title: The Six Paramitas: Perfections of the Bodhisattva Path (2001).

Paperback, 64 pages

                  ISBN 978-3-8391-7453-1

    CHF 24.90

Kostbarer Spiegel - grenzenlos
Chan-Meister Sheng Yen

Translation (2011): Hildi Thalmann (Chang She). Original title: The Infinite Mirror: Commentaries on two Chan Classics (1990).

Paperback, 132 pages

                  ISBN 978-3-8423-8572-6

    CHF 35.50

Es gibt kein Leiden: Ein Kommentar zum Herz-Sutra
Chan-Meister Sheng Yen

Translation (2012): Hildi Thalmann (Chang She). Original title: There is no Suffering: A Commentary on the Heart Sutra (2001).

Paperback, 144 pages

                  ISBN 978-3-8423-9799-6

    CHF 18.90

Den Erleuchtungsgeist erwecken: Die siebenunddreissig Hilfen zum Erwachen
Chan-Meister Sheng Yen

Translation (2013): Hildi Thalmann (Chang She). Original title: Things Pertaining to Bodhi: The Thirty-seven Aids to Enlightenment (2010).

Paperback, 252 pages

                  ISBN 978-3-7386-7184-1

    CHF 24.50

Subtile Weisheit: Leiden verstehen und Mitgefühl kultivieren durch Chan-Buddhismus
Chan-Meister Sheng Yen

Translation (2014): Hildi Thalmann (Chang She). Original title: Subtle Wisdom: Understanding Suffering, Cultivating Compassion Through Ch’an Buddhism (1999).

Paperback, 172 pages

                  ISBN 978-3-7322-6865-8

    CHF 24.50

Den Weg gehen: Ein Führer zur Praxis des Chan-Buddhismus
Chan-Meister Sheng Yen

Translation (2019): Hildi Thalmann (Chang She). Original title: Attaining the Way: A Guide to the Practice of Chan Buddhism (2013).

Paperback, 304 pages

                  ISBN 978-3-7494-0409-4

    CHF 27.50

Die Methode ohne Methode: Die Chan-Praxis des Stillen Gewahrseins
Chan-Meister Sheng Yen

Translation (2020): Hildi Thalmann (Chang She). Original title: The Method of No-Method: The Chan Practice of Silent Illumination (2008).

Paperback, 200 pages

                  ISBN 978-3-7494-6407-4

    CHF 27.50

Die Große Frage zerschmettern: Die huatou-Praxis in Chan
Chan-Meister Sheng Yen

Translation (2020): Hildi Thalmann (Chang She). Original title: Shattering the Great Doubt: The Chan Practice of Huatou (2009).

Paperback, 252 pages

                  ISBN 978-3-7494-1863-3

    CHF 27.50

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